Five Year Project – December Update

5 Year Writing Goal: December update

do you have goalsI’m taking part in Misha and Beth’s Five Year Project and my five-year goal is to write a novel and get it published.

It’s two years since I joined the project and I feel frustrated because I seem no closer to my goal and I’m still collecting rejections from agents. Nine in total.

Achievements in 2015

But it’s a good idea to look back on my successes. And I’ve had a number this year.

  1. I’ve had a selection of poems published in an anthology.
  2. And a short story published too, in another anthology.
  3. I even had my entry chosen to appear in another compilation: The Best Advice in Six Words, where I appear on the same page as Erica Jong.
  4. And, I finished the first draft of a YA novel during NaNoWriMo month.
  5. In addition, I published a short walking booklet, Soggy Socks, on Amazon.
  6. I’m just completing a MOOC course on Writing for Young Readers.
  7. And another – and challenging – MOOC earlier this year on Hans Christian Andersen
  8. I’ve written numerous blog posts, both for this blog and for my coastal walking blog, including a couple of guest posts about walking on commercial sites.
  9. Oh, and did I mention I’ve finished my BA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck University? Now I have another couple of letters to add to the end of my name!

Not bad for a non-productive year.

Writing Goals for 2016

  1. Finish my non-fiction book on Coastal Walking and send it for editing.
  2. Edit the first draft of my YA fiction book.
  3. Finish the first draft of my booklet on treating blisters.

In addition, I continue to read avidly and am currently researching the art of magic – from a purely scientific perspective, of course.

Author: Ruth Livingstone

Walker, writer, photographer, blogger, doctor, woman, etc.

9 thoughts on “Five Year Project – December Update”

    1. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and they are short courses provided by many universities around the world and available online. Most of them are free, but you have to pay extra if you want a certificate. Some of them are a bit mickey mouse and less than challenging, but the Hans Christian Andersen one was tough.


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