Solo-walking article

Blogging about solo walking

I enjoy visiting blogs written by women walkers, and that’s how I found Emily (via a Twitter retweet). Emily was looking for guest bloggers, and I pitched a piece to her. Since her blog was all about female adventurers, I suggested a blog on solo walking.

Women Who Walk AloneRuth Livingstone writes a guest post on solo walking

The post was published in July 2017. We both tweeted about the post, and it was shared on Facebook. It was great to organise my thoughts and write a piece with a feminist slant.

Another hiking blog…

Blogging about hiking and running challenges

I was emailed by someone putting together a blog post for Trespass. She wanted a few quotes about my self-imposed hiking challenge, including tips for beginners. I sent her a few lines, and the post was published in July. I appear at the bottom of a long article.

Best Hiking and Running Challenges – from Beginners to Prosblog post 3

Blogging about Wales

In February 2017, I wrote a post for Janet Givens, an American writer interested in cross-cultural insights.

I met Janet on the Women Writers, Women’s Books group on Facebook, when she was looking for guest bloggers. I pitched the idea to her of using my experiences walking the Wales Coast Path to discuss my preconceived ideas of Wales as a country, and how my prejudices were challenged.

Things I learnt about WalesRuth Livingstone writes a guest blog post about Wales