777 NaNo challenge

I don’t usually post extracts of my work on this blog. And I don’t usually do blog challenges. But I couldn’t resist this one!

777 NaNoWriMo challengeThe 777 challenge requires you go to Page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to Line 7 and share the next 7 sentences in a blog post. Once you have done this, you can tag 7 other bloggers to do the same with their work-in-progress.

My last post was pretty gloomy: 2nd Week NaNo Blues. But first drafts are always difficult. And when I reread some of my earlier scribblings, I cheered myself up. Rough. Untidy. But the story is fine.

Anyway, here are my unedited 7 sentences from 1st draft of the 7th page of my current NaNo novel, The Quantum Circle.

‘It was an accident.’ I’m nearly shouting. ‘You saw the vidi recording. I was trying to avoid the passenger ferry.’
There is a silence, before he shakes his head in a disappointed fashion, as though I am being a naughty child.
‘So you say. But we wonder who suggested it to you.’
‘Nobody,’ I shout.
Another silence.

I’m nominating the following NaNoWriMers


Yep. I know that’s only 3 people. I don’t have many friends!

Author: Ruth Livingstone

Walker, writer, photographer, blogger, doctor, woman, etc.

4 thoughts on “777 NaNo challenge”

  1. You’re doing brilliantly. I’ve not written for two days, unlikely to do much today and haven’t posted on my blog since the beginning of August. I’m not sure I know many who blog and are doing NaNo. You’d be on my list so that might really reduce my tagging.. I’ll post anyway when my computer’s feeling a bit faster. I’m sure no-one will mind if they’re not tagged.


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