5 year writing goal: November update

My quest for an agent for my historical novel, The Reluctant Scribe, continues. I’ve written to eight so far, with six polite rejections and two still pending.
Meanwhile, I’m moving on. From the past and into the future…

5 Year Writing Goal: November update

do you have goalsI’m taking part in Misha and Beth’s Five Year Project and my five-year goal is to write a novel and get it published.

My quest for an agent for my historical novel, The Reluctant Scribe, continues. I’ve written to eight so far, with six polite rejections and two still pending.

In the meantime, I’m moving on with my next novel. It’s completely different in tone and style. This time it’s a fast-paced, sci-fi adventure, written in the first person, present tense, and aimed at the young adult reader.

So I’ve moved from the past and into the future!

The first draft will be completed by the end of NaNoWriMo. Then comes the hard part. Revising and editing and turning the messy draft into something you can actually call a novel.

It’s provisionally called The Quantum Circle. But since the story has deviated from my original plan, and now involves neither quantums nor circles, I’m going to have to think of a better title.

Other projects:-

  • Currently I’m working on a booklet about blisters.
  • And still need to finish off last year’s NaNo project;  a non-fiction book on walking the English coast, aimed at newcomers to the world of long-distance walking.

Go Outdoors blog award,  Ruth LivingstoneBoth of these I will self-publish and promote via my walking blog at  coastalwalker.co.uk, which is up for an award!

If you haven’t done it already, why don’t you pop over for a visit and, perhaps,  VOTE FOR ME?

Author: Ruth Livingstone

Walker, writer, photographer, blogger, doctor, woman, etc.

14 thoughts on “5 year writing goal: November update”

  1. Well done with your writing progress!

    Keep going with your agent submissions. If a trade publishing deal is what you want, the only way to succeed other than by having the best quality story possible to pitch is to keep going until you find the right person.


  2. Glad to hear NaNo went well for you. I gave up in the end; real life just didn’t want me to complete it! Ah well. Good luck with your continuing querying, and with the impending edits.


  3. Great to hear that you are still going for it. ‘The reluctant scribe’ is a great concept. I can’t wait to see it in print. What feedback have you had? Was it helpful?


    1. Hi Dean and good to hear from you. It’s with 3 agents at the moment, but that’s after 6 rejections! No feedback other than standard ‘thank you but no thank you’ emails 😦
      I’ll keep trying.


        1. On their website they say the give everyone feedback. That’s disappointing. Fingers crossed though and all the best.


I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave me a comment.