How to structure a great blog post: 5 simple steps

Great blog posts grab your attention. Here are five simple steps you can follow.

What makes a great blog post?

I think, I blog - Ruth Livingstone note bookA great blogger will grab your attention.

Yes, a good blogger will write good content, but a great blogger understands that it is not just the content of the post that matters – it’s how you present it.

We’ve all had the experience of reading the first few words of a blog post and quickly flicking on to something else. If we’re not hooked, we move on. As bloggers, we may not be aiming for a readership of millions, but we are hoping a few people will visit and stick around long enough to read what we have written.

So, assuming we have created something worth reading, how do we structure our blog posts so that we grab our readers’ attention?

If you want to learn how to do something skillfully, it’s always best to study an expert and luckily there is no shortage of great bloggers on the web. I have spent a few weeks analysing how good bloggers set about constructing their posts and this is what I have discovered: there are a few simple steps you can follow to structure a great blog post.

Five simple steps to structure a great blog post

1. Choose an intriguing title.
2. Start with a punchy first line.
3. Keep it short and structured.
4. Break up text with bullet points, lists and pictures.
5. Provide useful links.

Can it really be that simple? Yes, it is. And I’ll expand on each of these steps in subsequent posts.

‘Hang on,’ I hear you shout. ‘Surely this presentation stuff is mere fluffery. Isn’t great content the most important thing?’ Well, have a look below the line, where I have reproduced this blog post in a different format, and see what you think.

Examples of well structured blog posts

How to Craft a Blog Post – 10 Crucial Points to Pause
Some medicines that don’t work

An alternative method of writing a blog post for those who think content is everything, format doesn’t matter and who are not particularly interested in attracting readers

A good blogger will write good content. But a great blogger will grab your attention. A great blogger understands that it is not just the content of the post that matters, it is how you present it. We’ve all had the experience of reading the first few words of a blog post and quickly flicking on to something else. We don’t hang around long enough to find out what the blogger is trying to say. We lose interest and we move on. As bloggers, we may not be aiming for a readership of millions, but we are hoping a few fellow human beings will visit our blog site and stick around long enough to read what we have written.

So, assuming we have created something worth reading, how do we structure our blog posts so that we grab our readers’ attention? If you want to learn how to do something skillfully, it’s always best to study an expert. Luckily, there is no shortage of great bloggers on the web and I have spent a few weeks analysing how good bloggers set about constructing their posts. Here is what I have discovered: there are a few simple steps you can follow to structure a great blog post.

Five simple steps to structure a great blog post: first, choose a killer title; secondly, start with a punchy first line; thirdly, keep it short and structured; fourthly, break up text with bullet points, lists and pictures; fifthly (and it’s a miracle if you are still reading at this point), provide useful links.

Can it really be that simple? Yes, it is. And I’ll expand on each of these features in subsequent posts. ‘Hang on,’ I hear you shout. ‘Surely this presentation stuff is only fluffery. Isn’t great content the most important thing?’ Well, have a look above the line, where I have reproduced this blog post in a different format, and see what you think.

Author: Ruth Livingstone

Walker, writer, photographer, blogger, doctor, woman, etc.

8 thoughts on “How to structure a great blog post: 5 simple steps”

  1. Definately the top one, I skimmed through the other one, and thought, why is she saying it twice, I missed the dark print in between. Your posts are always lively and enjoyable Ruth. Keep on blogging.


  2. Wow, i love this article. Very short and precise.I think i have a very bad formatting habit on my blog. I will need to work on that now.


  3. Great post, Ruth. When choosing a title, I think I spend more time making sure it will sound interesting, along with the first line or two. I’ve wondered if creating HEADINGS helps with the google search engine priority. Lately, the SEO world has me in its grip. Have you any advice on that?


    1. Hi there, and yes I think headers do help with Google searches. To be honest, I’ve given up worrying about SEO rankings. The algorithms change frequently and it’s a full time job keeping up. If you master the art, let me know!

      Another tip is to use relevant key words in image titles and alt text. (Unless Google has changed the algorithm…)


I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave me a comment.